Stretch marks.
Stretch marks also known as striae are a type of scar in the skin caused by rapid expansion of the skin leading to weakening and rupture of the supportive structures, collagen and elastin. The skin then heals improperly leaving a permanently streaked appearance. As a result, the skin fails to heal properly and becomes permanently streaked.
Common causes of stretch marks.
- Weight gain
- Pregnancy
- Puberty or growth spurts (70% of adolescent girls develop stretch marks, 40% of adolescent boys)
- Hormonal shifts (increased cortisone levels can also weak elastin fibers and connective tissue)
- Weightlifting or weight training
- Genetic predisposition
- As a natural part of aging
Commonly involved areas include:
- Hips, Inner and outer thighs
- Buttocks
- Legs
- Anterior abdomen and the flanks
- Arms / Inner Arm / Armpit Area
- Breasts
The color of a stretch mark is an important indicator for determining the effectiveness of your treatment. Newly formed stretch marks are still in the process of healing and are therefore easier to treat. When stretchmarks first appear on the skin, they are usually pink, dark red or purple. These can be slightly raised and itchy. As they mature, they typically recess and fade in color, either to silver, grey or a white color.
Treatment of stretch marks.
Microneedling with or without radiofrequency (RF), and fractional Co2 laser are some of the treatment options for the reduction of stretch marks. Our treatment of choice is the RF Microneeding. Typically, a series of sessions is needed to produce the desired outcomes. Commonly involved areas include:
- Inner and outer thighs
- Buttocks
- Legs
- Anterior abdomen and the flanks
- Arms / Inner Arm / Armpit Area
- Breasts
- Hips
How does Radiofrequency Microneedling work?
A hand piece with several fine needles at a preset depth penetrates the skin surface administering radiofrequency energy to the deep layers. This results in controlled injury at the treatment site. This treatment triggers the body’s healing response over the following weeks to months. During the healing process, formation of new collagen and elastin is stimulated. Over time, healthy tissue replaces scar tissue with the goal of achieving a smoother and more even skin surface.
Hyaluronic acid (HA), platelet rich plasma (PRP) serums applied during the treatment to enhance healing by promoting collagen and stem cell production, increasing cellular turnover, as well as encouraging blood circulation to the skin.
Is Microneedling painful?
Microneedling without topical numbing is painful. To minimize discomfort, a potent topical numbing cream is applied 20-30 minutes before the treatment.
Can stretch marks be permanently removed?
Stretch marks are a long-lasting textural change to the skin structure. RF Microneedling will not completely erase stretch marks but it will effectively reduce their appearance.
How many sessions are needed to treat stretch marks and what is the cost?
Recommendations will depend on the condition of your skin, your age, health status, as well as your personal beauty goals. Typically, 3-4 sessions spaced out at 4–6-week intervals are required for the initial treatment. We recommend coming in for a free consultation to determine your individual treatment plan.